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Full Version: noob problem installing
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trying to use hashcat on a 64bit laptop running gnome 3.18.3

(im a linux noob btw)

have been using this guide to install and start using

i have downloaded the zip and extracted the 64bit bin to usr/bin and then made the shortcut
ln -s /usr/bin/hashcat-cli64.bin /usr/bin/hashcat

which all worked fine - however if i try to use hashcat anything it tells me it doesnt recognise the command

What else do i need to do to get started?

copying stuff to /usr/bin is usually a bad idea (or actually anywhere outside your home directory, unless you know what you're doing).

Extract hashcat somewhere in your home directory (including all the other files!) and run it from there.
And if that doesn't work, please post full command line that you're using (but redact sensitive hashes, if any).
copied it to documents/hashcat then ran

ln -s .../documents/hashcat/hashcat-cli64.bin .../documents/hashcat/hashcat (using the full path obviously - im just being lazy)

which seemed to work but then typing hashcat --help give a unrecognised command error
always run it with full path
i rant he above using the full path and it made the symbolic link ok

now if i run /home/myname/documents/hashchat/hashcat-cli64.bin it just tells me too many levels of symbolic link
well, that file should not be a link so you must have screwed up something.
just to clarify - what exactly is it that i am running? the .bin file? Is the bin file like a directory of commands and libraries or something?

If i enter /home/myname/documents/hashcat/hashcat-cli64.bin - it tells me "too many levels of symbolic links

i assumed the command ln -s /home/myname/documents/hashcat/hashcat-cli64.bin /home/myname/documents/hashcat/hashcat (as per the linked guides instructions) was to create a link so that when i typed "hashcat" it actually ran the .bin file but nothing seems to work regardless of whether i use a direct path or this link stuff