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Just installed a bitcoin client, create a wallet, and tried to run bitcoin2hashcat(/john).py :

python bitcoin2hashcat.py  default_wallet.dat
ERROR:root:Couldn't open wallet.dat/main. Try quitting Bitcoin and running this again.

Why? Bitcoin is not running.
Could be anything. The file may be damaged or maybe a slightly different format is used in newer versions of bitcoind.
I tried 4 different desktop bictoin clients.
So I guess the format is different!
four different clients? This is only for the bitcoin core wallet.
Ok Smile I tested with other clients.

With the latest BitcoinCore, I have another error:

python bitcoin2hashcat.py walC.dat

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "bitcoin2hashcat.py", line 638, in parse_wallet
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable
ERROR parsing wallet.dat, type bestblockkey data:       bestblockkey data in hex: 0962657374626c6f636bvalue data in hex: 6471020000

Works ok with bitcoin2john:
python bitcoin2john.py walC.dat

WARNING: walC.dat has previously unseen minversion '159900'!
From what I can tell bitcoin2john.py should be compatible with hashcat. Can you try and confirm?
Tested, it works OK.
(07-22-2018, 10:05 PM)undeath Wrote: [ -> ]From what I can tell bitcoin2john.py should be compatible with hashcat. Can you try and confirm?
 Hi! I have a similar problem! I extracted the hash from bitcoin core wallet.dat. The result was 272 characters. But in the example to bitcoin wallet 304 characters. And Hashcat don't working, wrote that no hash. Can you help me?