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Full Version: help with hashing wpa2 gtx 1080 hashrate
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Hi i am new to hashing i have setup a hash on virgin router wpa2 and hashcat has given me 7 days approx.

However my hashrate is stuck at 161.3 kh/s

Everywhere else i am seeing hashrates of upto 400 kh/s for a gtx1080 card.

Is there something i am missing.

Additional info: windows 10, temp is 69c fan: 60%. I have installed the registry patch and currently getting no errors.
well, you didn't even mention what your command line is. Is it a mask attack (-a 3) ?

what is your speed with hashcat -m 2500 -b ?

Are you sure you added the -w 3 parameter (or even -w 4) ?
You probably have multiple handshakes in the .hccapx file. Additionally, nvidia nerfed the 400 series drivers and performance dropped by 5-10% overall. Further, I think something is off with tuning because recent 1070 Ti benchmarks are faster than 1080s.