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Full Version: Random temperature errors with freezing while cracking with HD5970.
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Hi guys i have not been here since some months because all is working ok with my setup - thank you for help with sorting some problems out.
I was SL3 cracking on 4xHD5970+arctic cooling + Linux Ubuntu 9.04 + SDK2.4 + 11.4 catalyst + hashcat-lite 0.06 since July 2010 with no problems. Temperatures of GPU-s were from 60C to 80C through summer and later in fall even colder: 50C-70C. There was slight overclock without vcore correction 800Mhz GPU - 1010MHz RAM. Not a single issue till some days ago when my system starts randomly 1 time a day to show this ERROR: temperature limit on GPU X reached, aborting... then freezed and i have to reset the PC and start again with --restore command. I start to track what GPU was overheating and tried to exclude that card from system, but errors continue to appear on other cards. tried to reinstall Linux, now is even worst and it freezes every 5-10 minute even with two cards on-board. I dont think that there are cards that overheats but maybe is motherboard (ASUS P6T7 WP Supercomputer + 2 x 1200 Watt PSUs) bugging?
could be a software problem too. oclHashcat-lite uses the ADL library from AMD to fetch GPU temp and utilization. Maybe you have to upgrade your setup. i am using ubuntu 11.10 with catalyst 11.12.
OK. I have installed Ubuntu 11.10 and catalyst 11.12 with simple sudo sh command. Overdrive enabled but after all only 1 core (!) from 8 is detected by oclHashcat-lite 0.08! I was reeading many articles on forum and on hashcat-wiki but there is no simple step-by-step guide for noobs how to install correctly catalyst, and how to configure sdk for hashcat-lite to be able to work in multi-gpu enviroment.
Last time when using ubuntu 9.04+catalyst 11.4+sdk 2.4 i was using step-by-step manual for bitcoin mining. And there are problems with internet access on that pc thats why i can't use wget command to download needed files directly from web.
usually, after upgrading catalyst, it enough to run:

aticonfig --initial -f --adapter=all

this writes a new xorg.conf. so you have to either restart GDM or reboot your system to activate this. then it should work.
Here's a good guide to getting Catalyst working on Linux: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Main_Page