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i have two GPU'S (GTX 1080 and 960) its possible to use multiple gpus in linux for hash cracking. Please explain it to me in reply or DM me.
try it?!
(12-02-2018, 01:32 PM)ratjar Wrote: [ -> ]HI GEEKS.

i have two GPU'S (GTX 1080 and 960) its possible to use multiple gpus in linux for hash cracking. Please explain it to me in reply or DM me.

Hi Ratjar,

I have done this with a Gigabyte B250 mining board and 7x 1070ti +1 1070. I am still kind of Linux rookie, but with guides and a lot of passion Igot it working with ubuntu 16.04. It is just few months ago and I consider trying 16.04. Install nvidia driver and hashcat, there are enought guides to follow. 

Go for it.