hashcat Forum

Full Version: KeePass/ Word list help!!!!
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I mean the big opps over storing all my Crypto passwords in keepass and then forgetting the master password when I was not on it all the time. ALL my Crypto data is in here and I can't seem to get in. 

I already tried to extract the hash using John the ripper and then using rockyou.text word list to get in and after 3 hours I didn't get any luck. 

After thinking about this for a while I was thinking maybe there is a better way. I have a good idea what words, numbers and symbols were used, but can't get it right. Is there a way to either generate a list of all the possible combos using the words, numbers and symbols I typically use and then using Hashcat to attempt them all? for instance if I usually use the words BasketBall, BaseBall,Football, the numbers 1, 2, 11, 21, 22, and the symbols !$@, and the order always starts with the word. 

Please help if you can!
It's not easy to find a generic way to generate such highly targeted candidates, hence there is no direct support embedded to hashcat. The way to go about this is creating a small script/program that will create a wordlist out of all the information you have and then feed that to hashcat.