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Full Version: panoramic router default password format
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so i have a friend who recently got internet service through cox communications they were given a panoramic router (the trashcan looking one) as i was helping them set everything up i noticed the default wifi password had the following format

adjective xxxx noun

the x is a number...this reminded me of the netgear routers with their adjective noun xxx password format.

i was wondering if there is a current mask for this format? i was thinking you maybe able to use the adj and noun list from the netgear wordlist with ?d?d?d?d in the middle 

if i have posted this in the wrong spot feel free to ridicule me mercilessly lol

really just wanting to document that panoramic is using a similar crappy psk format to netgear that can easily be cracked.

ill add the model number of the router to this thread when i can get it
Same issue here, I want to add 000-999 in the middle between two lists and can't figure it out. -a 6 and -a 7 options only add to either the left or the right of one existing list but I can't combine list1 list2 and generate ?d?d?d in between the lists.

If anyone wants to help in the mean time I am looking for an output of:



Where 'password' and 'cat' are part of list1 and list2.

Tried combinator with list1?d?d?d and then do a combined list attack with list2 but the result of the file is too large and brings down my whole rig.
(12-31-2022, 05:11 AM)jim5 Wrote: [ -> ]Same issue here, I want to add 000-999 in the middle between two lists and can't figure it out. -a 6 and -a 7 options only add to either the left or the right of one existing list but I can't combine list1 list2 and generate ?d?d?d in between the lists.

If anyone wants to help in the mean time I am looking for an output of:



Where 'password' and 'cat' are part of list1 and list2.

Tried combinator with list1?d?d?d and then do a combined list attack with list2 but the result of the file is too large and brings down my whole rig.

you have to use -1 attack mode to combine your wordlist to your 3 digits then run a second command on the output and the second wordlist... here are some combinations i used for mine
└─$ history | grep force          

 213  hashcat --force --stdout -a 1 disc0nct_2.txt /usr/share/wordlists/SecLists/Fuzzing/4-digits-0000-9999.
txt > words_4-digits.txt
hcxpsktool --phome | hashcat -m 22000 your_hashfile.hc22000