hashcat Forum

Full Version: MS Word read-only docx hash extract
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I want extract hash from docx read-only file with password into format needed for hashcat.
office2hashcat not supported read-only files.
In docx settings i got this [attachment=698]

How can i convert this information into hashcat format and recover it if it possible?
only encrypted office documents are supported, not protected ones
(12-20-2019, 01:05 AM)undeath Wrote: [ -> ]only encrypted office documents are supported, not protected ones
have you some advices for my case? Some ways i can recover password knowing this information.
Simply delete the lines in the XML and you should be fine.
(12-20-2019, 02:58 PM)Karamba Wrote: [ -> ]Simply delete the lines in the XML and you should be fine.
I know this, but i need recover password.