hashcat Forum

Full Version: SHA256
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I tried several commands and fail,I need something strong decryption.

 SHA 256
Password possible ( 64 chars) may be something like this : a-z 0-9


can someone make like a "script" that i could copy and just change my files or something cause everytime when i try i just get "hashfile is empty or corrupted"

this was my command

"hashcat64.exe -m 1400 -a 0 -o hash.txt cracked.txt"
You missed the bruteforce part:
hashcat64.exe -m 1400 -a 3 -i --increment-min=1 --increment-max=64 -o result.txt -1 ?d?l hashes.txt ?1*64 times

-1 ?d?l means digits + loweralpha
?1*64 times means repeat ?1 64 times (= increment max)

But 64 chars (a-z 0-9) is not achievable within a reasonable time.