not a GUI user myself but it's nice to see some competition in that area
And thanks for open-sourcing it.
it's nice to see some competition in that area"
not to reinvent the wheel, just didn't see any other software that do the same for linux (or any cross-platform app), that's mainly why hashcat.launcher came
also a nice feature is that the hash type list is dynamic (there is no file where the hash types are stored or hardcoded) the hash type list is being generated based on your hashcat, so this make it works with newer versions containing new algos without the need to make any modification.
thanks for passing by
v0.1.2 is now available !
[0.1.2] - 25/04/2020
Fixed:- Spelling errors
- Fields were limited and can't type long arguments
Changed:- Hash Type search field is now fixed at the top
- Merged appearanceScreen to optionsScreen
Added:- Mask attack supports hcmask files
- Mask length counter
- Help messages
Hope you all find this useful, if you got any requests/questions let me know
Now Available
v0.2.0 !
[0.2.0] - 17/07/2020
Changed:- hashcat min required version: v6.0.0
Added:- Can select a whole folder of dictionaries
- Added few more extensions to the dictionary selection dialog's filter
- Hardware Monitoring
PS: The hardware monitoring feature has not been tested as my system does not supports this :/ , anyway, kindly test this feature and report back any issues ^^
Now Available: v0.4.0
[0.4.0] - 21/12/2020
- Search for hashtypes by hashcat mode (name and id)
- Tasks Journals now hold all the info
- Notifications Feature
- Priority Feature
- Restore Feature
- Get Info about a task
- Skip/Bypass an attack
If you are upgrading from an older version make sure to go to Options and in Extra Args and remove: "--restore-disable" in order to make the restore feature work for new tasks.
Download release:
(12-21-2020, 02:15 AM)s77rt Wrote: [ -> ]
Now Available: v0.4.0
[0.4.0] - 21/12/2020
- Search for hashtypes by hashcat mode (name and id)
- Tasks Journals now hold all the info
- Notifications Feature
- Priority Feature
- Restore Feature
- Get Info about a task
- Skip/Bypass an attack
If you are upgrading from an older version make sure to go to Options and in Extra Args and remove: "--restore-disable" in order to make the restore feature work for new tasks.
Download release:
I was glad to see your contribution, but I had a problem and found that I could not re-enable the hack once I had paused it.
Hi yangxin325,
there is no hack, i think you meant to write task,
if a task has been paused after clicking the "Pause" button, you can "re-enable", resume the task by simply pressing the "Resume" button.