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Full Version: 4 symbols WPA2 password?
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Hi all

Recently i captured WPA2 handshake that contains only 4 symbol password length:

BSSID=70:9f:2d:b5:be:c0 ESSID=oso3 (Length: 4)\
--> STA=fc:f1:36:c9:34:ee, Message Pair=0, Replay Counter=10\
--> STA=fc:f1:36:c9:34:ee, Message Pair=2, Replay Counter=10}

When i tried brute-force it with hashcat it says:

Skipping mask '?d?d?d?d' because it is smaller than the minimum password length

1) How can it be, if WPA2 minimum password length is 8 symbols? Is it wrong capture? 
I doublechecked with WiFi Explorer that target SSID has WPA2 protection

2) How can i bypass minimum password length limit? 
The password is not four characters. That's impossible to tell from the handshake. The ESSID has length four.
Thanks for info, will know it
Previous try was lucky, ESSID had 10 symbols length, i assume that's a password length and then cracked it with mobile numbers dictionary in 20 minutes...
ESSID is the name of the wifi, nothing to do with the password =)
Password must be between 8 and 63 characters, no more no less.