hashcat Forum

Full Version: Interpretation of "candiates:" and "Speed"
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I try to decrypt a LUKS Header. Now the following question arose:

My speedness is:
Speed.#1.........:    2464 H/s (77.64ms) @ Accel:64 Loops:512 Thr:64 Vec:1

and my candidates show:
Candidates.#1....: a600731asD -> pHsgJAQ794

As an example: I press [s]tatus every 2 seconds. But the it will only show me every time
Candidates.#1....: a600731asD -> pHsgJAQ794

Only after a while, the "Candidates" change. So... is the speedness truly 2464 H/s? If yes, the "candidates"-section should change every time i press [s]tatus.

While I'm at it: What exactly means the arrow 'a600731asD -> pHsgJAQ794' ?
Candidates relates to which portion of the attackmode it is working on. As for yours, for example, let's say you chose to do a bruteforce attack which appears to be lowercase, uppercase and digits which is exactly 10 characters. So your code may appear as:
-1 ?d?l?u  ?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1

So during this attack it will choose a portion of the candidates to attack from and too hence the first position being a600731asD and the last position being pHsgJAQ794 so whichever candidates fall between those two positions will not be displayed. But as for how many candidates lie between those positions I have no idea what is calculated within hashcat. But as being a slow hashrate (2500H/s) there could be a million candidates between those 2 points, meaning that the candidates status will not update until it has finished that portion and that is why you do not see that change while updating the status every so often.
Great explanation, thanks!