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I'm trying to open a hash with John and HashCat, but both don't work?

NTLMv2 Response Captured from
USER: testuser LMHASH:Disabled

Manually rewritten to: testuser::DEV29-APP01:3045e74dac0653865d353e93e8c5ca8c-notreal: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

me>hashcat -m 5600 -a 3 testuser.txt --force Hashfile 'testuser.txt' on line 1 (testus...31003400330033000000000000000000): Separator unmatched No hashes loaded.

me>john --format=netntlmv2 testuser.txt Using default input encoding: UTF-8 No password hashes loaded (see FAQ)
me>john --show --format=netntlmv2 testuser.txt 0 password hashes cracked, 0 left

What am i missing????
where is the server challenge ? you only have listed the client challenge above !? what is the server challenge ?

Also, I guess that you need to remove "-notreal" right ?
just compare with the example hashes from https://hashcat.net/wiki/example_hashes

btw: it's not allowed to post any hashes in this forum: see https://hashcat.net/forum/announcement-2.html