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Full Version: Problem with simple HEX passcodes
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Bitcoin wallet for test. 
Hashcat Version 6.1.1 windows10

Password i search is: "Ü ä"  in Hex: dc 20 e4
Hash is: $bitcoin$64$735c685b5c559220293ed490445d8979a9c77fcd1df4496a0c7e714df9181841$16$09799f55e665c8a2$198010$2$00$2$00

Command i run:
hashcat.exe -w 1 -m 11300 -a 3 "$bitcoin$64$735c685b5c559220293ed490445d8979a9c77fcd1df4496a0c7e714df9181841$16$09799f55e665c8a2$198010$2$00$2$00" ?b?b?b

result = nothing found.  Why?

if i try simple ones like "ab c" and its working,, it finds "ab c", but not "Ü ä"  whats wrong?
You're using the wrong encoding. The hex for the password you are looking for is c39c20c3a4
(01-11-2021, 04:11 PM)undeath Wrote: [ -> ]You're using the wrong encoding. The hex for the password you are looking for is c39c20c3a4

Yes. You meant: 
--hex-charset -1 c39c20c3a4 ?1?1?1

thats not workink too.. so i tryed ?b for all from 00-FF
No, your password consists of 5 bytes.

--hex-charset -1 c39c20c3a4 ?1?1?1?1?1

this would work
totaly forgot about UTF-8 and longer Hex C3**   

--hex-charset -1 c39c20c3a4 ?1?1?1?1?1  worked 

so every strange acsii making the code longer by 1.. thats getting worst if i have a mixed password....

"abc" is ?1?1?1  3-long  vs "üöä" is ?1?1?1?1?1?1  6-long

so this will do the trick? 
hashcat.exe -w 1 -m 11300 -i --increment-min 3 --increment-max 6 -a 3 "$bitcoin$64$735c685b5c559220293ed490445d8979a9c77fcd1df4496a0c7e714df9181841$16$09799f55e665c8a2$198010$2$00$2$00" --hex-charset -1 c39c20c3a4 ?1?1?1?1?1?1

i can work on with this now...  Thx

But how can i limit the password length now? 

better i feed a Wordlist...