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Full Version: crack something between 6 and 10 characters with lowercase and numbers
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Hello crackers

I am new to this, so pardon me.

I am trying to crack a WPA2 handshake.

I have the idea the pass could be between 6 and 10 characters long, and i want to try lowercase and numbers, but have no idea about the placement of these characters.

how do i get it to try this. do i really need to make a mask ?1?1?1?1?1?3?3 and so on? (i mean, this would only try to crack a 7 character password, wouldn't it?)

i mean..the code could be yadayada123 or j39sj392, i have no idea.
What you want is "-1 ?l?d" for a custom charset of lowercase and digits.
Then you can simply use this mask (10chars): ?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1
with these additional parameters: "-i --increment-min=8"
This will enable increment mode = when one length is exhausted it's automatically switching to length+1.
And it'll start the increment mode at length 8.
Why 8, when you wanted to start at 6?!
Well, WPA2 passwords have a minimum length of 8.
Lengths of 6-7 are not possible.
(01-28-2021, 03:11 PM)the_charm Wrote: [ -> ]Hi.
What you want is "-1 ?l?d" for a custom charset of lowercase and digits.
Then you can simply use this mask (10chars): ?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1
with these additional parameters: "-i --increment-min=8"
This will enable increment mode = when one length is exhausted it's automatically switching to length+1.
And it'll start the increment mode at length 8.
Why 8, when you wanted to start at 6?!
Well, WPA2 passwords have a minimum length of 8.
Lengths of 6-7 are not possible.

thank you for that answer. 
i learned something, and i will try again