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iot device transmits plaintext wifi password & essid - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: iot device transmits plaintext wifi password & essid (/thread-10916.html)

iot device transmits plaintext wifi password & essid - Kwiss - 07-30-2022

So I found out that my "smart" lights actually transmit the set wifi password & essid,
when the said access point is out of range(off).
Looking at the hcxpcapngtool outputs, I immediately spotted the old access point details.

How common is that? Do you guys stumble on this a lot?
I believe these lights have Esspresif 8266 Wi-Fi chips. Are they all vulnerable?

Did Hcxdumptool did something impressive? And how do I find out?
I'm quite new to this, does it make sense to have a look in the capture file and look if it's there in plaintext?
(that would be with Wireshark I think?)

Sorry for all the questions, google seems especially not helpful when it is about wifi security.
When I type in anything in combination with Iot devices, I only get the standard run-of-the-mill news articles

RE: iot device transmits plaintext wifi password & essid - Snoopy - 08-01-2022

well you could do some research yourself by trying to change your password and essid, try hiding your ssid/essid and see what happens when you sniff again

what kind of "smart" lights we are talking about?

RE: iot device transmits plaintext wifi password & essid - ZerBea - 08-02-2022

Detect a weak point - precisely for this purpose the tools (hcxdumptool, hcxlabtool series and hcxtools) were developed.
Regardless of whether the target is an ACCESS POINT or a CLIENT (regardless of whether they are connected to each other or not), hcxdumptool /hcxlabtool series) retrieves all available information from it and hcxpcapngtool convert this information to a format accepted by hashcat or JtR.
More information is here:
Information about the PMKID attack vector is here:

a nice example is here:

In addition to that RKG (https://github.com/routerkeygen) and hcxpsktool calculate some more (default) weak passwords which are based directly on the target.
Both tools are based on deep analysis of wpa-sec (https://wpa-sec.stanev.org) submissions.

The entire development history (start from the point when Atom persuaded me to go open source, like hashcat) is here:

I fully agree, tshark and Wireshark should be the first choice to analyze dumped unfiltered(!) traffic.