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Please share password endings list - Printable Version

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Please share password endings list - blaster666 - 07-21-2023

having some troubles searching for the list of combinations, people ussually extend their passwords with 
Like "123" "!@#' "!" "!2#" "$$$" , etc . 
The only lists i was able to google and find on github, are ususall password lists. 
Maybe someone has exactly only endings, i need them to combine with other lists.

RE: Please share password endings list - Snoopy - 07-21-2023

i dont think there is such a list, its better (faster) to combine wordlists with rules for that kind of attack as rules are applied directly on the gpu speeding up things a lot, see https://hashcat.net/wiki/doku.php?id=rule_based_attack

when looking at some debug output from used rulesets or cracked plains, appending and prepending 1, 12, 123, 321 or "typically" birthyears like 80,81,82 or the shifted keyboard keys, 1 !, 2 @ , 3 #, 4 $, yeah are very very common

some of these rules are preshipped in best64, dive, oneruletorulethemall or other rulesets or you generate your own set, you can utilize maskprocessor or hashscat with option --std-out to help you doing so

example given, the following command will generate a textfile  with all rules for appending numbers 70 to 99
hashcat -a3 --stdout -1 789 -2?d "$?1 $?2" > rules-append-70-99.txt