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Cracking an NTLM - Printable Version

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Cracking an NTLM - Codger1869 - 09-20-2024

I'm in a beginners ethical hacking class. We were given 50 hashes and were told that they came from a Windows system. Of the 50 I've cracked 49. They were all NTLM hashes. I've been told that they all should be crackable using the rockyou wordlist. I've tried hashcat -m 1000 hash.txt rockyou.txt and hashcat -m 1000 -r oneruletorulethemstill.rule hash.txt rockyou.txt . I did not crack the last one. Any thoughts of other hashcat commands I can try to crack this? I've tried other dictionaries as well just incase it was not in rockyou. I'm work in The-Distribution-Which-Does-Not-Handle-OpenCL-Well (Kali) through a VM connection. I appreciate any assistance.

RE: Cracking an NTLM - buka - 09-21-2024

You can try another ruleset.

RE: Cracking an NTLM - b8vr - 09-21-2024

Create a wordlist of the cracked ones and run rules against those. This could have been done during your first sessions using --loopback.