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WannaCry recovery - Printable Version

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WannaCry recovery - TrowTrow - 02-13-2025


A friend was affected by wannacry ransomware. 
Is it possible, using hashcat to recover the key used by the ransomware to cipher files. 

It appears that file which are same unciphered look the same when ciphered meaning no salt. 
It also seems to be AES 128. 

But which methodology should be the good one ? 

I have access to hundreds of RTX4090 to do the job if computational power matters. 


RE: WannaCry recovery - penguinkeeper - 02-13-2025

No, to my knowledge, Wannacry / the Wannacryptor hasn't had it's keys leaked and paying doesn't do anything so the files are permanently gone. AES128 is also uncrackable, even for hundreds of 4090s