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GPU Clustering vclHashcat-plus error - Printable Version

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RE: GPU Clustering vclHashcat-plus error - pustiu - 12-09-2012

(12-09-2012, 07:22 PM)undeath Wrote: any firewall running?

No firewall running, port 255 is open. I believe VCL does not start properly.

RE: GPU Clustering vclHashcat-plus error - pustiu - 12-09-2012

I just seen with clinfo that the Opencl version for the cards is 1.2, but for VCL is 1.1. Can this be a problem?

RE: GPU Clustering vclHashcat-plus error - epixoip - 12-10-2012

No, that is not a problem.

Slow down and follow the wiki to-the-letter. I promise it works.

RE: GPU Clustering vclHashcat-plus error - magnum - 12-21-2012

Did you find a solution? I think I have the exact same problem. VCL 1.15 is not avaiable for download so I use 1.16, other than that I think I follow the wiki to the letter.

It seems to me opencld exits without the slightest hint of output nor in any log - same thing on all nodes.

Without vclrun, clinfo and oclHashcat work just fine on all nodes.

RE: GPU Clustering vclHashcat-plus error - epixoip - 12-21-2012

strace opencld and see why it is exiting.

RE: GPU Clustering vclHashcat-plus error - Toil - 12-22-2012

Same thing is happening to me.

opencld appears to not be starting.

# /sbin/opencld
OPENCLD - Virtual OpenCL back-end service

# nmap localhost -p1-65535

Starting Nmap 5.21 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2012-12-22 21:07 EST
Nmap scan report for localhost (
Host is up (0.0000020s latency).
Not shown: 65533 closed ports
22/tcp open ssh
80/tcp open http

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.65 seconds

^ port isnt open

followed the guide step to step

RE: GPU Clustering vclHashcat-plus error - epixoip - 12-23-2012

run opencld with -d, or strace it and see why it isn't starting. if you're using VCL 1.16 instead of 1.15, it probably won't work for you.

... on an unrelated note, why did you nmap localhost?

netstat -plant | grep opencld