hashcat Forum
Rule new - Printable Version

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Rule new - rchange - 04-14-2015

Hello, help learn how to write rules for delirium. I want to write a rule that:
1) the presence of all characters : ?l
2) the presence of all characters : ?d
3) the presence of all the characters : ?u , but to the symbol of this range was iterating represented by only one in every word: loOser45 or friEnd6655 or saimOn
Specifies the length of the password is also arbitrary, from 1 to 9, for example.
Thanks in advance.

RE: Rule new - undeath - 04-14-2015

You don't want a rule, you want a mask matching a policy. Use PACK https://thesprawl.org/projects/pack/

RE: Rule new - rchange - 05-06-2015

I do not quite understand you. I need a mask or rule where I can find an algorithm masks:
?2? 1? 1? 1? 1? 1? 1? 1
where ?1 is ?d and ?l
where ?2 is ?u

where ?1 is ?d and ?l
where ?2 is ?u

and many more methods

RE: Rule new - atom - 05-09-2015

There is rules that enable you to skip words from your wordlist based on certain criterias. See rejection section here: https://hashcat.net/wiki/doku.php?id=rule_based_attack

Note that for oclHashcat those rules can only be used with -j and -k