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MSCHAPv2 load fail - Printable Version

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MSCHAPv2 load fail - illera88 - 11-03-2017


I've been reading a bunch of posts speaking about this and I don't know if there has been a change in the format that a MSCHAPv2 must be provided to hashcat but I'm getting errors when importing a challenge response.

In this example: 
Quote:username: bob
challenge: ax:xx:x0:1c:d5:9x:xx:32
response: 63:xx:x0:34:15:16:2e:xx:xx:x2:63:79:9f:8e:8a:xx:x5:a6:bc:4d:0e:xx:xx:72
john NETNTLM: bob:$NETNTLM$axxxx01cd59xxx32$63xxx03415162exxxxx263799f8e8axxx5a6bc4d0exxxx72

supposedly the format to pass hashcat should be



But when I try to run that through hashcat I get:

Quote:C:\hashcat-4.0.0>hashcat64.exe -m 5600 bob::::63xxx03415162exxxxx263799f8e8axxx5a6bc4d0exxxx72:axxxx01cd59xxx32
hashcat (v4.0.0) starting...

OpenCL Platform #1: NVIDIA Corporation
* Device #1: Quadro M1000M, 512/2048 MB allocatable, 4MCU

OpenCL Platform #2: Intel(R) Corporation
* Device #2: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530, skipped.
* Device #3: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6820HQ CPU @ 2.70GHz, skipped.

Hash 'bob::::63xxx03415162exxxxx263799f8e8axxx5a6bc4d0exxxx72:axxxx01cd59xxx32': Salt-length exception
No hashes loaded.

Started: Fri Nov 03 15:16:09 2017
Stopped: Fri Nov 03 15:16:11 2017

What is it wrong in here? 

Thank you

[edit: all hashes masked by philsmd]

RE: MSCHAPv2 load fail - philsmd - 11-03-2017

The correct hash mode is -m 5500 = NetNTLMv1 and the password for this hash is "password".


BTW: you are not allowed to post hashes here. Please review the forum's rules. You will get banned for any rule violation. It's even worse that the hashes were not even masked and that the password was not mentioned. It's evil.

RE: MSCHAPv2 load fail - illera88 - 11-03-2017

Hi @philsmd.

I got the example from the forum itself (https://hashcat.net/forum/thread-2563.html). I won't post hashes again.

Thank you