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Can semi broken gpu still work for hashcat? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Can semi broken gpu still work for hashcat? (/thread-9260.html)

Can semi broken gpu still work for hashcat? - slimmyslimslim - 05-27-2020

I keep seeing on ebay about sellers says display doesnt work on a gpu, would it affect using hashcat or does it depend if theres more problems than "no display" on the monitor.

RE: Can semi broken gpu still work for hashcat? - womble - 05-27-2020

A graphics card whose only fault is an inability to drive a monitor is OK for use with hashcat, *however* the number of things that can cause no display, but which don't impact GPU operation, are limited.

RE: Can semi broken gpu still work for hashcat? - slimmyslimslim - 05-27-2020

Youre pretty much gambling on saving money and having it hopefully still work with hashcat