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multicapconverter - all in one tool - Printable Version

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multicapconverter - all in one tool - s77rt - 10-22-2020


multicapconverter is a portable python tool that you can use to convert your capture file to any of the hashcat supported formats.
it was mainly based on the cap2hccapx tool, with more features added such as pcapng support and much more listed below

usage: multicapconverter.py --input capture.cap --export
                            [--output capture.hcwpax] [--all]
                            [--filter-by filter-by filter]
                            [--group-by {none,bssid,essid,handshake}]
                            [--wordlist wordlist.txt] [--do-not-clean]
                            [--ignore-ie] [--ignore-ts] [--quiet]
                            [--update-oui] [--locate] [--version] [--help]

Convert a cap/pcap/pcapng capture file to a hashcat
hcwpax/hccapx/hccap/hcpmkid/hceapmd5/hceapleap file

required arguments:
  --input capture.cap, -i capture.cap
                        Input capture file
  --export {hcwpax,hccapx,hccap,hcpmkid,hceapmd5,hceapleap}, -x {hcwpax,hccapx,hccap,hcpmkid,hceapmd5,hceapleap}

optional arguments:
  --output capture.hcwpax, -o capture.hcwpax
                        Output file
  --all, -a            Export all handshakes even unauthenticated ones
  --filter-by filter-by filter, -f filter-by filter
                        --filter-by {bssid XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX, essid ESSID}
  --group-by {none,bssid,essid,handshake}, -g {none,bssid,essid,handshake}
  --wordlist wordlist.txt, -E wordlist.txt
                        Extract wordlist / AP-LESS possible passwords (autohex
                        enabled on non ASCII characters)
  --do-not-clean        Do not clean output
  --ignore-ie          Ignore information element (AKM Check) (Not
  --ignore-ts          Ignore timestamps check (Not Recommended)
  --quiet, -q          Enable quiet mode (print only output files/data)
  --update-oui          Update OUI Database
  --locate              Locate networks geolocations
  --version, -v        show program's version number and exit
  --help, -h            show this help message and exit

  • Supports cap/pcap/pcapng
  • Supports combined cap/pcap/pcapng files
  • Supports gz compressed cap/pcap/pcapng files
  • Supports hcxdumptool
  • Export as hccap (hashcat mode = 2500 (legacy))
  • Export as hccapx (hashcat mode = 2500)
  • Export as hcpmkid (hashcat mode = 16800)
  • Export as hcwpax (hashcat mode = 22000)
  • Export as hceapmd5 (hashcat mode = 4800)
  • Export as hceapleap (hashcat mode = 5500)
  • Export only authenticated handshakes or all handshakes
  • Output files can be filtered/grouped
  • Extract wordlist / AP-LESS possible passwords
  • MAC GEOLOCATION LOOKUP (requires hashC API) (see https://github.com/s77rt/multicapconverter/#setting-hashc_apikey)

Usage Examples

We have a capture file 'capture.cap' which includes 4 handshakes:

| # |      BSSID      |  ESSID  | AUTHENTICATED |
| 1 | 00:00:00:00:AA:AA | Wifi    | N            |
| 2 | 00:00:00:00:AA:AA | Wifi    | Y            |
| 3 | 00:00:00:00:BB:BB | Internet | Y            |
| 4 | 00:00:00:00:CC:CC | Wifi    | Y            |

By default the original c version write all the hccapx into one file no matter what. If you need a single separated handshake you will have to use a hex editor and take the required 393 bytes by yourself.. Well not anymore

Also the original c version export all the handshakes even if they are not authenticated, in this python version it's a bit different, as the default is to ignore unauthenticated handshakes but can be exported by using the --all flag

1) Extract each handshake into a separated file (Auth Only)

python3 multicapconverter.py -i capture.cap --group-by handshake -x hccapx


Output hccapx files:

00-00-00-00-AA-AA_0.hccapx // 2

00-00-00-00-BB-BB_0.hccapx // 3

00-00-00-00-CC-CC_0.hccapx // 4

2) Extract each handshake into a separated file (All)

python3 multicapconverter.py -i capture.cap --group-by handshake -x hccapx --all


Output hccapx files:

00-00-00-00-AA-AA_0.hccapx // 1

00-00-00-00-AA-AA_1.hccapx // 2

00-00-00-00-BB-BB_0.hccapx // 3

00-00-00-00-CC-CC_0.hccapx // 4

3) Extract all handshakes into one file (just like the old c version)

python3 multicapconverter.py -i capture.cap --group-by none -x hccapx --all


Output hccapx files:

capture.hccapx // 1, 2, 3 and 4

4) Extract handshakes based on BSSID

python3 multicapconverter.py -i capture.cap --group-by bssid -x hccapx --all


Output hccapx files:

00-00-00-00-AA-AA.hccapx // 1 and 2

00-00-00-00-BB-BB.hccapx // 3

00-00-00-00-CC-CC.hccapx // 4

5) Extract handshakes based on ESSID

python3 multicapconverter.py -i capture.cap --group-by essid -x hccapx --all


Output hccapx files:

Wifi.hccapx // 1, 2 and 4

Internet.hccapx // 3

6) Extract handshakes based on ESSID having a specific BSSID

python3 multicapconverter.py -i capture.cap --group-by essid --filter-by bssid 00:00:00:00:CC:CC -x hccapx --all


Output hccapx files:

Wifi.hccapx // 4

  • Extract wordlist 
    --wordlist wordlist.txt
  • Update OUI Database 
  • Locate networks locations 
  • Time Gap is in microseconds

  • --group-by works only for hccap and hccapx output

  • --all works only for hccap, hccapx and hcwpax (WPA*02) output

  • --locate and --update-oui works only if -q/--quiet is not set

  • by default, if a capture have both WPA*01 and WPA*02 (hcwpax format), WPA*02 will be ignored on the exportation process. If you want to export both, use --do-not-clean

  • by default, multicapconverter ignores packets with zeroed timestamps. If you want to process such packets, use --ignore-ts (Not Recommended)

  • by default, multicapconverter exports only pmkids that are PSK/PSK256 related (AKM check). If you want to ignore AKM check, use --ignore-ie (Not Recommended)


If you are using Linux and you want to use the tool from different places (instead from only the working directory), simply copy the python script to your bin path:

sudo cp multicapconverter.py /usr/bin/

sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/multicapconverter.py

sudo ln -s /usr/bin/multicapconverter.py /usr/bin/multicapconverter

Now you can simply use multicapconverter, example: [ICODE]multicapconverter -i capture.pcapng -x hcwpax[/ICODE]

  • use --quiet for better performance

Source Code


RE: multicapconverter - all in one tool - s77rt - 04-26-2022

New version available. v1.2.0
  • - Added an option to overwrite ESSID tags (useful for cloaked ESSID)
  • - Set default export option to hcwpax
  • - Removed mac geolocation lookup


RE: multicapconverter - all in one tool - ZerBea - 04-26-2022

Great improvement.

Now, there is an issue report regarding unset/zeroed SSID IE_TAGS in BEACON frames:

RE: multicapconverter - all in one tool - s77rt - 04-27-2022

Yeah i have been following on the discussion going on hcxtools

RE: multicapconverter - all in one tool - ZerBea - 04-27-2022

Only the capturing tool sees what's going on, on a WiFi channel. Packets which are not recorded or filtered out by the capturing tool are lost forever (the demo cap submitted on multicapconverter git confirm this). Neither multicapconverter, nor hcxpcapngtool nor other conversion tools will be able to bring this packets back.