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    Thread: AMD A10 7850K?
Post: AMD A10 7850K?

The Catalyst driver ( is Beta and oclHashcat (Linux) bombs with: Device #1: Spectre, 1941MB, 720Mhz, 8MCU ERROR: ./kernels/4098/m0900_a3.VLIW0.llvmir: No such fi...
dglatting Hardware 1 9,113 02-08-2014, 02:43 AM
    Thread: oclHashcat v1.02 going for distributed cracking
Post: RE: oclHashcat v1.02 going for distributed crackin...

Specifics on the underlying protocol and authentication mechanisms, please. There appears to be two assumptions with the -s/-l mechanics: 1) The password lists are relatively small; and, 2) Da...
dglatting Old oclHashcat Support 4 32,165 01-19-2014, 02:46 AM
    Thread: Description of --gpu-accel and --gpu-loops?
Post: Description of --gpu-accel and --gpu-loops?

oclHashcat newbie. I'm looking for a technical description of what those parameters do. So far all I have found is to essentially muck with them and find something that takes you to a happy place. ...
dglatting Old oclHashcat Support 2 17,371 12-23-2013, 12:50 AM