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    Thread: Another cuModuleLoad() 209 error thread...
Post: RE: Another cuModuleLoad() 209 error thread...

epixoip Wrote: (10-13-2014, 07:41 PM) -- that thread you linked to is from almost 3 years ago. sm_10 was dropped in cuda 6.0, and the rest of sm_1x are being dropped in 6.5. see
atirox Old oclHashcat Support 5 21,938 10-13-2014, 09:52 PM
    Thread: Another cuModuleLoad() 209 error thread...
Post: RE: Another cuModuleLoad() 209 error thread...

That's odd... I was wondering if that's what the message meant.... Guess I'm in the market for a new graphics card... :P I did find it strange that on this thread here (
atirox Old oclHashcat Support 5 21,938 10-13-2014, 07:05 PM
  Sad Thread: Another cuModuleLoad() 209 error thread...
Post: Another cuModuleLoad() 209 error thread...

Sorry for the repeat, but here's the deal... I was using the HashcatGUI developed by to try to crack a few hashes I've got kicking around that I don't have a corresponding plain...
atirox Old oclHashcat Support 5 21,938 10-13-2014, 05:15 AM