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    Thread: TrueCrypt - Can I supply the encrypted container file on the command line?
Post: RE: TrueCrypt - Can I supply the encrypted contain...

You literally stated in your message that: "AND hashcat accepts the full container (i assume it just reads the first 512 bytes) but i wouldnt take a bet that this also works with containers with some...
4Str4yC4t hashcat 7 15,005 02-04-2022, 05:59 PM
    Thread: TrueCrypt - Can I supply the encrypted container file on the command line?
Post: RE: TrueCrypt - Can I supply the encrypted contain...

Snoopy Wrote: (02-04-2022, 03:24 PM) -- i made a test setup, generating a little veracrypt container vc-1234 of just 1mb, all settings standard, pw is 1234 Code: -- hashcat -m 13721 -S -O -a3 vc-12...
4Str4yC4t hashcat 7 15,005 02-04-2022, 03:40 PM
    Thread: TrueCrypt - Can I supply the encrypted container file on the command line?
Post: RE: TrueCrypt - Can I supply the encrypted contain...

Snoopy Wrote: (01-30-2022, 08:03 PM) -- you will need the first 512 bytes of the container see
4Str4yC4t hashcat 7 15,005 02-04-2022, 01:23 PM
    Thread: TrueCrypt - Can I supply the encrypted container file on the command line?
Post: TrueCrypt - Can I supply the encrypted container f...

I want to know if the hashcat software supports getting the hash for me if I supply the encrypted container file on the commandline? Because, that's what I've been trying and I am not having any su...
4Str4yC4t hashcat 7 15,005 01-30-2022, 05:31 PM
    Thread: Help-Mode does nothing - ctrl-c gets me back to PowerShell prompt
Post: Help-Mode does nothing - ctrl-c gets me back to Po...

I am on Windows 11 executing hashcat.exe in a Windows PowerShell prompt. When I issue the command: ".\hashcat.exe --help" the software replies with the response: "hashcat (v6.2.5) starting in help ...
4Str4yC4t hashcat 1 5,859 01-29-2022, 04:21 PM
    Thread: Brute-Forcing KeePass 1.x kdb file - cracked-lib-words failed...Where do I go now?
Post: Brute-Forcing KeePass 1.x kdb file - cracked-lib-w...

I'm lost just like Axl Rose is. I am new to the hashcat application but it looks very cool. I downloaded it and installed it and then I downloaded the cracklib-words file which is about 16MB of pre-g...
4Str4yC4t hashcat 1 5,037 01-29-2022, 01:28 AM
    Thread: How to make advanced ruleset to crack passwords
Post: RE: How to make advanced ruleset to crack password...

@Snoopy, One small correction about your above post. You put quote marks around the word "made". But it would seem more appropriate to put them around the words you are contrasting which are the word...
4Str4yC4t hashcat 4 10,761 01-29-2022, 01:20 AM