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    Thread: wpa2 - more hashes at once
Post: RE: wpa2 - more hashes at once

You could theoretically get a speed increase if you attacked two captures with the same SSID. But that is not possible with hashcat.
arnbju Very old oclHashcat-plus Support 6 23,143 08-10-2012, 08:18 PM
    Thread: Limiting the consecutive occurrence
Post: RE: Limiting the consecutive occurrence

An idea for a workaround to get sed to run on multiple cores could be: maskprocessor > sed rule1 > sed rule2 > sed rule3 > output file. Then you would run 3 instances of sed each on its own core, ...
arnbju Very old oclHashcat-plus Support 125 524,364 05-30-2012, 03:58 PM
    Thread: oclHashcat running on the new AMD hd7970
Post: RE: oclHashcat running on the new AMD hd7970

Very nice! Is it possible to test the beta? Just got my card.
arnbju Hardware 52 278,808 01-11-2012, 11:41 PM
    Thread: Share your oclHashcat+ speeds
Post: RE: Share your oclHashcat+ speeds

Win 7 64Bit, 266.66 Driver oclHashcat+-0.03>cudaHashcat+64.exe $1$ttZyaHgu$2VuH9BXN6KKJLp99ofMLy. -d 1 -m 500 -n 160 --gpu-loops 1000 -r rules/perfect.rule rockyou.txt GTX560 Ti Code: -- cudaH...
arnbju Old oclHashcat Support 16 69,293 03-01-2011, 05:15 PM
    Thread: Domain Cached Credentials benchmarks?
Post: RE: Domain Cached Credentials benchmarks?

A GTS250 Does about 225M/s and a 8600GT about 45M/s
arnbju Very old oclHashcat Support 7 30,187 09-13-2010, 12:40 AM
    Thread: Share your OpenCLHashcat speeds.
Post: RE: Share your OpenCLHashcat speeds.

460 GTX, Windows 7 32bit, 258,96 Driver Code: -- oclHashcat v0.22 starting... Digests: 6494 entries, 6494 unique Platforms: 1 Platform #1: NVIDIA Corporation, OpenCL 1.0 CUDA 3.1.1 (1 matched...
arnbju Very old oclHashcat Support 41 271,593 08-19-2010, 01:19 AM
    Thread: Domain Cached Credentials
Post: RE: Domain Cached Credentials

Thanks a lot, any idea when v0.20 will be released?
arnbju Feature Requests 4 27,546 06-07-2010, 01:51 PM
    Thread: Share your OpenCLHashcat speeds.
Post: RE: Share your OpenCLHashcat speeds.

2x GTS250, Windows 7 64Bit, 197.45 Driver Code: -- oclHashcat v0.19 starting... Digests: 6494 entries, 6494 unique Maskprocessor: ?1?1?1?1 (1679616) Maskprocessor: ?1?1?1?1 (1679616) Summar...
arnbju Very old oclHashcat Support 41 271,593 06-07-2010, 01:22 PM
    Thread: Domain Cached Credentials
Post: Domain Cached Credentials

I see that, hashcat supports DCC but oclHashcat does not, would like to see support for DCC in the GPU client also.
arnbju Feature Requests 4 27,546 06-02-2010, 07:13 PM