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Thread: How to bruteforce?
Post: RE: How to bruteforce?
mormaii2 Wrote: (10-05-2011, 09:03 PM)
So i'd have the wordlist and rule file too?
mormaii2 Wrote: (10-05-2011, 09:03 PM)
What program can i use to create wordlists as you said?
--... |
Gajan |
Very old oclHashcat-plus Support
24 |
103,969 |
10-07-2011, 12:23 AM |
Thread: How to bruteforce?
Post: RE: How to bruteforce?
Using HC+ this is how i do it when i want to cover a range of characters in all possible combinations.
This example is to cover all possible 6-character-long words containing uppercased & lowercase... |
Gajan |
Very old oclHashcat-plus Support
24 |
103,969 |
10-05-2011, 07:27 PM |
Thread: cudaHashcat-plus32 sometimes crash when running a batch...
Post: RE: cudaHashcat-plus32 sometimes crash when runnin...
The new version dont crash when running a batch :D |
Gajan |
Very old oclHashcat-plus Support
6 |
25,041 |
09-18-2011, 12:48 PM |
Thread: oclHashcat-plus v0.06
Post: RE: oclHashcat-plus v0.06
As many other already said:
A *HUGE* thank-you for the amazing work you do & share with us others!
I bow to you! |
Gajan |
Very old oclHashcat-plus Announcements
17 |
101,603 |
09-18-2011, 12:00 PM |
Thread: Ignore rubbish in hashlist
Post: RE: Ignore rubbish in hashlist
I would also *LOVE* this feature!
As i use HC+ for almost every run i do and also often run a huge mix of hashes, lots of weird stuff has gotten into the hashlist and this feature would make it muc... |
Gajan |
Feature Requests
3 |
16,571 |
09-05-2011, 05:47 PM |
Thread: How to
Post: RE: How to
You can also do it with wordlist + rule like this:
1) Create a 4-character wordlist (in your case uppercase alpha + digits) with all possible combinations and save.
2) Edit that wordlist (with f... |
Gajan |
Very old oclHashcat-plus Support
11 |
42,850 |
09-05-2011, 03:23 PM |
Thread: no more dummy plugs on windows?
Post: RE: no more dummy plugs on windows?
Yeah, i also noticed this a few weeks ago (with the new catalyst) and confirmed it to atom :-) |
Gajan |
5 |
23,299 |
09-01-2011, 08:59 AM |
Thread: cudaHashcat-plus32 sometimes crash when running a batch...
Post: RE: cudaHashcat-plus32 sometimes crash when runnin...
It also crashes for MD5crypt so not only DES. And as before, it crashes when running a batch and it got hits on a wordlist (but not every time). Have not seen it crash when a wordlist been done with n... |
Gajan |
Very old oclHashcat-plus Support
6 |
25,041 |
08-25-2011, 07:25 PM |
Thread: cudaHashcat-plus32 sometimes crash when running a batch...
Post: cudaHashcat-plus32 sometimes crash when running a ...
Sometimes cudaHashcat-plus32.exe crash when running a bat-file. This happens when one run is finished (that got hits) and a windows error-message pops up (asking if i wanna report the problem to micro... |
Gajan |
Very old oclHashcat-plus Support
6 |
25,041 |
08-19-2011, 08:23 PM |
Thread: Possible bug
Post: RE: Possible bug
And also a fix for what makes hashcat+ to sometimes crash when running a batch ? |
Gajan |
Very old oclHashcat-plus Support
3 |
14,767 |
08-19-2011, 06:29 PM |
Thread: Question:Dual-GPUs?
Post: RE: Question:Dual-GPUs?
Ah, so because you run 100k of md5crypt hashes (and think everyone in this forum do just that) you tell folks that they dont know what they are talking about. I never claimed beeing anything but a n00... |
Gajan |
9 |
39,875 |
08-18-2011, 08:57 AM |
Thread: Question:Dual-GPUs?
Post: RE: Question:Dual-GPUs?
radix Wrote: (08-17-2011, 04:28 PM)
50k, babies first cracking attempt.
Hahaha... you are fun... is that your only argument ? How old are you ?
Here's another fun thing when comparing 4 GT... |
Gajan |
9 |
39,875 |
08-18-2011, 12:57 AM |
Thread: Question:Dual-GPUs?
Post: RE: Question:Dual-GPUs?
radix Wrote: (08-17-2011, 04:28 PM)
Maybe for single hash, or small numbers. Obviously you don't know what you are talking about.
Example: for a file with 50 000+ hashes (DES/same salt).
Wi... |
Gajan |
9 |
39,875 |
08-17-2011, 05:17 PM |
Thread: New Graphic Card, whichh should I buy?
Post: RE: New Graphic Card, whichh should I buy?
I just swapped my 3 nvidia cards for 3 ati (same pricerange) and the new ones are almost 300% faster so i would without a doubt go for ati.
Ok, i know this thread is old but still wanted to reply |
Gajan |
8 |
33,683 |
08-17-2011, 10:52 AM |
Thread: gpu-async feature
Post: RE: gpu-async feature
Off-topic (sorry)
Mem5: I tried replying to your pm but it seems as you disabled recieving pm's.
Gajan |
Very old oclHashcat-plus Support
4 |
16,923 |
08-17-2011, 09:55 AM |
Thread: ATI vs NV, analysis and results
Post: RE: ATI vs NV, analysis and results
Dummy plug / each card connected to a monitor is no longer needed. The new catalyst fixed that :-) |
Gajan |
4 |
31,925 |
08-17-2011, 09:52 AM |
Thread: Question:Dual-GPUs?
Post: RE: Question:Dual-GPUs?
Yeah, i myself just changed cards from nvidia to ati (same price-range) and the ati's are almost 3 times faster for most types of hashes... |
Gajan |
9 |
39,875 |
08-17-2011, 09:48 AM |
Thread: oclhashcat --restore not work correct
Post: RE: oclhashcat --restore not work correct
Looks that way for me too. But as said, despite that it looks to started all over again, i keep getting hits staright away (and that would not been the case if it really started from scratch). So my g... |
Gajan |
Very old oclHashcat Support
6 |
22,759 |
08-01-2010, 09:34 AM |
Thread: oclhashcat --restore not work correct
Post: RE: oclhashcat --restore not work correct
For me it looks like it starts over from 0% when doing a --restore, but it does work as i get hits straight away (i would not get hits if it restarted a run i been doing for 24 hours). So in my case,... |
Gajan |
Very old oclHashcat Support
6 |
22,759 |
07-28-2010, 10:48 PM |
Thread: Other types of encryptions ?
Post: RE: Other types of encryptions ?
Now that is GOOD news :D
I am also using the EGB from insidepro (bought a license) but dont like it at all. Hashcat is 10 times better and then some...
Thank you so much!!! |
Gajan |
Very old oclHashcat Support
3 |
14,986 |
07-08-2010, 10:25 AM |