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    Thread: oclHashcat-plus cracks TrueCrypt
Post: RE: oclHashcat-plus cracks TrueCrypt

Nice work! Congratulations!
arex1337 Very old oclHashcat-plus Support 32 229,778 06-05-2013, 12:38 AM
    Thread: Official Best64 Challenge Thread
Post: RE: Official Best64 Challenge Thread

I mentioned this issue in my writeup. The competitors were obviously incentivized to target the provided hashes. I haven't done any testing myself, but if this is true I am not surprised at all. Neve...
arex1337 Organisation and Events 48 252,580 05-06-2012, 03:18 AM
    Thread: New ATI driver ??
Post: RE: New ATI driver ??

12.3 doesn't work for me. Neither does 12.2. 12.1 works. I have 2x HD 6990.
arex1337 General Help 14 49,937 04-01-2012, 02:59 AM
    Thread: Official Best64 Challenge Thread
Post: RE: Official Best64 Challenge Thread

I updated my write-up with some post-challenge details, plus a chart that shows everybody's progression!
arex1337 Organisation and Events 48 252,580 03-29-2012, 07:26 PM
    Thread: Official Best64 Challenge Thread
Post: RE: Official Best64 Challenge Thread

Here is my quick write-up.
arex1337 Organisation and Events 48 252,580 03-28-2012, 11:46 PM
    Thread: ERROR: cuStreamSynchronize() 700
Post: RE: ERROR: cuStreamSynchronize() 700

Indeed. Perhaps send or paste the script you ran successfully? Plus the results, of course :)[hr] Remember that you can adjust gpu-accel across the board (in $OPTIONS) or individually for each hash ty...
arex1337 Very old oclHashcat-lite Support 4 18,243 03-24-2012, 07:51 AM
    Thread: *hashcat benchmarking standard (wiki)
Post: RE: *hashcat benchmarking standard (wiki)

I plan on keeping up to date and make improvements to it. Feel free to link to it, comment on it, etc. If volunteers want to bench regularly and ...
arex1337 Feature Requests 7 45,990 03-23-2012, 12:16 PM
    Thread: oclHashcat-plus-0.07 -m 1500 crashes on Win7x64 Catalyst 12.1
Post: oclHashcat-plus-0.07 -m 1500 crashes on Win7x64 Ca...

Running oclHashcat-plus on Windows 7 x64, Catalyst 12.1: This makes my display driver crash: Code: -- oclHashcat-plus64 -n 160 --runtime 43 --gpu-loops 1024 --gpu-watchdog 0 -a 3 -1 ?l?d?s?u --force...
arex1337 Very old oclHashcat-plus Support 4 17,191 02-14-2012, 08:14 AM
    Thread: Quick script to convert dict for passpal
Post: RE: Quick script to convert dict for passpal

Cool. Let me just suggest this tool, for those of you who are not allergic to PHP: ( And if anyone would like to port...
arex1337 User Contributions 1 10,956 01-28-2012, 08:41 PM
    Thread: Include line number in error message where applicable
Post: Include line number in error message where applica...

I'm requesting that this kind of error includes the line number of the offending line. Code: -- C:\oclHashcat-plus-0.07>oclHashcat-plus64.exe -a 0 -m 0 -o outfile.txt cain.txt...
arex1337 Feature Requests 3 17,739 01-14-2012, 06:36 PM
    Thread: oclHashcat running on the new AMD hd7970
Post: RE: oclHashcat running on the new AMD hd7970

Thank you very much!
arex1337 Hardware 52 278,364 01-11-2012, 09:20 PM
    Thread: Hashcat Development Report I
Post: RE: Latest news from hashcat development

Atom. Making awesome software awesomer. Seriously, thanks for letting us know what's happening. Feels good to know you're working. :)
arex1337 Organisation and Events 6 28,751 01-06-2012, 12:59 PM
    Thread: Pause instead of abort when temperature limit is reached
Post: RE: Pause instead of abort when temperature limit ...

How is it a bad idea? I just don't understand how this can be anything but a win.
arex1337 Feature Requests 16 75,471 01-06-2012, 04:26 AM
    Thread: Pause instead of abort when temperature limit is reached
Post: RE: Pause instead of abort when temperature limit ...

Certainly people will agree that it's more useful for the program to pause instead of terminating (often to considerable frustration)? Couldn't the code pause code be placed exactly where the abort c...
arex1337 Feature Requests 16 75,471 01-04-2012, 10:14 AM
    Thread: Support recovery of passwords of length 16 and above
Post: RE: Support recovery of passwords of length 16 and...

Good points. Looking forward to hear from atom :)
arex1337 Feature Requests 22 96,441 01-03-2012, 09:03 AM
    Thread: Support recovery of passwords of length 16 and above
Post: Support recovery of passwords of length 16 and abo...

As I understand this Wiki section (, oclHashcat is, by design, unable to recover passwords of length 16 and above. I assume this allows for some op...
arex1337 Feature Requests 22 96,441 01-03-2012, 12:51 AM
    Thread: Beginner need help. Is oclhashcat-lite support hashlist?
Post: RE: Beginner need help. Is oclhashcat-lite support...

oclHashcat-lite is only for cracking a single hash. Use oclHashcat-plus.
arex1337 Very old oclHashcat-lite Support 4 17,923 01-02-2012, 10:44 PM
    Thread: Pause instead of abort when temperature limit is reached
Post: RE: Pause instead of abort when temperature limit ...

I don't have temperature issues any more. I just opened my case. But I really think this feature should be implemented :D
arex1337 Feature Requests 16 75,471 01-02-2012, 10:23 PM
    Thread: Pause instead of abort when temperature limit is reached
Post: RE: Pause instead of abort when temperature limit ...

What about the feature request? Good idea, no?
arex1337 Feature Requests 16 75,471 01-02-2012, 08:09 PM
    Thread: Pause instead of abort when temperature limit is reached
Post: RE: Pause instead of abort when temperature limit ...

I don't have any problems except when I forget to use the --gpu-watchdog=105 option ;) I still feel this is an issue that would be awesome if implemented as I'm sure many people have felt the same way...
arex1337 Feature Requests 16 75,471 01-02-2012, 03:50 AM