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    Thread: RC4 attack for 40bit Word 97-2003
Post: RE: RC4 attack for 40bit Word 97-2003

Thanks for your answer. For some reason hashcat now found the correct rc4 key. Colliding with 9720 failed with ?a?a?a?a?a?a and i now added another ?a. Is there a programm than can decrypt a word docu...
janmaier27 hashcat 6 21,992 11-16-2017, 12:09 PM
    Thread: RC4 attack for 40bit Word 97-2003
Post: RE: RC4 attack for 40bit Word 97-2003 Im referring to that guide which ran almost the exact same code. I just tried to copy it, and have no idea why i have to use that ?b?b?b?b?b stuff. Edit: Re...
janmaier27 hashcat 6 21,992 11-15-2017, 10:56 PM
    Thread: RC4 attack for 40bit Word 97-2003
Post: RC4 attack for 40bit Word 97-2003

Hey guys, im trying to open a password protected word file which uses the old 40bit key to encrypt.  I used because im a computer noob and was to lazy to run a Python S...
janmaier27 hashcat 6 21,992 11-15-2017, 10:05 PM