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    Thread: Founders Edition out of stock
Post: RE: Founders Edition out of stock

I had the same issue when I decided to upgrade my GPU.  Every place was sold out of the founders edition so ended up settling for a ASUS GTX 1080 TI Turbo edition - this was over a month ago.  My e...
Blobbo Hardware 12 39,123 08-13-2017, 02:22 PM
    Thread: Checkpoint not working in latest version or me being a noob?
Post: RE: Checkpoint not working in latest version or me...

Thank you so much for your response, I've done more testing and the above response is spot on. I'm literally feeding it a huge amplifier with a small password file. I've swapped them around (huge pass...
Blobbo hashcat 6 19,026 07-29-2017, 05:14 AM
    Thread: Checkpoint not working in latest version or me being a noob?
Post: Checkpoint not working in latest version or me bei...

Hey everyone, I'm running the latest development version of Hashcat (previously was running 3.5). One thing I've noticed is I can request checkpoint quit and hashcat just happily keeps going until ...
Blobbo hashcat 6 19,026 07-25-2017, 02:07 PM