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    Thread: Performance / GeForce GTX 760
Post: Performance / GeForce GTX 760

I am running 1x NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 and want to share my speed results. What do you say about these values? OS: Windows 8.1 Pro x64 --- Wordlist attack on cudaHashcat (MD5): 560 MH/s Br...
X-Attack! Hardware 2 13,781 09-05-2014, 05:47 AM
    Thread: Support for multiple input files
Post: RE: Support for multiple input files

Merging not really the solution i want to use... The backround is you have multiple hashlists from different users and what seperated output files for each list... i hope this feature will be imple...
X-Attack! Old oclHashcat Support 4 14,845 09-02-2014, 12:32 AM
    Thread: Support for multiple input files
Post: Support for multiple input files

Hello there, is there a way for oclHashcat to specify multiple input and output files in one instance? So i want to give multiple input files like "hash1.txt" and "hash2.txt" and set the output ...
X-Attack! Old oclHashcat Support 4 14,845 09-01-2014, 10:31 PM