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    Thread: Ethereum Scrypt Hardware Opinion
Post: RE: Ethereum Scrypt Hardware Opinion

Hey Zerokul, in the same boat as you.  Here is a 44 core system I'm putting together. Dual CPU motherboard Z10PE-D16 WS  $567.00 CAD
JimBob Hardware 11 35,599 01-13-2018, 05:52 PM
    Thread: Need help ETHEREUM hashtype 15700
Post: RE: Need help ETHEREUM hashtype 15700

houeth Wrote: (06-17-2017, 11:30 AM) -- how did you get the hash from your wallet magimix? need to do it to mine -- Use this script to extract the hash..
JimBob hashcat 11 36,172 08-29-2017, 06:37 PM
    Thread: Is hashcat able to utilize the cores in a Xeon PHI ?
Post: Is hashcat able to utilize the cores in a Xeon PHI...

Looking at getting a 68 core Xeon PHI and wondering if hashcat can make use of it?  There is an OpenCL runtime for it..
JimBob Hardware 2 8,482 07-27-2017, 05:30 PM
    Thread: Can anyone explain how hashcat is able to crack Scrypt via CPU without using tons of
Post: RE: Can anyone explain how hashcat is able to crac...

Thanks Phil for that clear explanation! I understand now.     AMD will soon be releasing the pro-ssg GPU's with 1TB of onboard memory.  I will gladly make one of these available to the hashcat team i...
JimBob hashcat 3 17,483 07-12-2017, 05:46 PM
    Thread: Can anyone explain how hashcat is able to crack Scrypt via CPU without using tons of
Post: Can anyone explain how hashcat is able to crack Sc...

memory, but it is not able to use GPU's to do the same operation?
JimBob hashcat 3 17,483 07-12-2017, 04:40 PM
    Thread: Using hashcat to find v3 ethereum wallet password
Post: RE: Using hashcat to find v3 ethereum wallet passw...

So,, what is your hashrate Phildo?
JimBob hashcat 21 74,631 06-20-2017, 09:26 PM
    Thread: Is hashcat ready to use as many cores as possible?
Post: Is hashcat ready to use as many cores as possible?

I'm attempting to crack using CPU only (scrypt).  Wondering if hashcat by default will use and distribute work load across all resources in  6,8,12 or 20  core CPU's without any tuning or additional d...
JimBob hashcat 2 9,899 06-20-2017, 06:04 AM
    Thread: Time.Estimated, does this estimate look accurate ?
Post: Time.Estimated, does this estimate look accurate ...

Hello All, Hashcat newbie here with a single AMD Sapphire 7970.   Using a sample bitcoin / litecoin hash, I'm attempting a bruteforce attack on 10 character password.  The following estimate of 3 ...
JimBob hashcat 2 8,749 05-06-2017, 06:15 PM