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    Thread: Custom mask charset set from within file
Post: Custom mask charset set from within file

Hi, How do I specify a custom charset set in a file? I've tried: -1 ?l?u ?1?1?1?1 and later I refer to that file from the command line but I get: Quote: -- Custom-charset 1 is undefined....
illera88 hashcat 1 6,863 11-04-2017, 09:35 AM
    Thread: MSCHAPv2 load fail
Post: RE: MSCHAPv2 load fail

Hi @philsmd. I got the example from the forum itself ( I won't post hashes again. Thank you
illera88 hashcat 2 6,980 11-03-2017, 02:50 PM
    Thread: MSCHAPv2 load fail
Post: MSCHAPv2 load fail

Hi, I've been reading a bunch of posts speaking about this and I don't know if there has been a change in the format that a MSCHAPv2 must be provided to hashcat but I'm getting errors when importin...
illera88 hashcat 2 6,980 11-03-2017, 09:17 AM
    Thread: Custom rule/mask not working
Post: RE: Custom rule/mask not working

Ohhhh my problem is that I was not using ?2?2?2? several times to increase the length of the password to check. -1 3e -2 ?l?d?s "AAA B?1?1C DDDD?2?2?2?2?2?2?2" -----> correct one. Is there any w...
illera88 Old hashcat Support 5 17,581 04-03-2014, 09:31 PM
    Thread: Custom rule/mask not working
Post: Custom rule/mask not working

Hi. I'm new but I've read a lot of info and manuals. Im trying to crack a hash that I already know part of the password: "AAA B?1?1C DDDD?l?d?s" ?1=3e hashcat-cli64.exe -a 3 --pw-min=14...
illera88 Old hashcat Support 5 17,581 04-03-2014, 08:44 PM