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    Thread: ERROR: clBuildProgram() -11
Post: RE: ERROR: clBuildProgram() -11

Same error with -d 1 . I have HD5870 and windows 7 64bit. I tried to reinstall drivers and stream but won't help. EDIT I know that is not problem with oclhashcat, but guys help me :) I have same er...
James Very old oclHashcat Support 3 16,552 08-31-2010, 05:36 PM
    Thread: ERROR: clBuildProgram() -11
Post: ERROR: clBuildProgram() -11

driver 10.8 + stream 2.2 Code: -- ****\oclHashcat-0.23>oclHashcat.exe example.hash ?l?l?l?l example.dict oclHashcat v0.23 starting... Digests: 6494 entries, 6494 unique Bitmaps: 16 bits, 65536 entr...
James Very old oclHashcat Support 3 16,552 08-31-2010, 01:42 PM
    Thread: Share your OpenCLHashcat speeds.
Post: RE: Share your OpenCLHashcat speeds.

ATI HD5870 @900/1269 1317-1322M/s (YEAH) Code: -- (lol)\oclHashcat-0.21>oclHashcat.exe -o output.txt opencrack_notfound.txt 2.txt 2.txt -n 160 --gpu-loops 1024 oclHashcat v0.21 starting... Digests:...
James Very old oclHashcat Support 41 270,213 07-04-2010, 02:23 AM
    Thread: Check already recovered MD5 in output.
Post: Check already recovered MD5 in output.

Like in normal hashcat, before start check output file...
James Feature Requests 1 11,117 06-29-2010, 05:46 PM
    Thread: Rules file support?
Post: Rules file support?

Hi, Can you add rules file support? Because with big wordlist and many rules normal hashcat is slow... and It is possible to do "Combination-Words" crack like in hashcat?
James Feature Requests 2 12,038 06-29-2010, 01:57 PM