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    Thread: OpenCL ICD loader library
Post: RE: OpenCL ICD loader library

Can close this I guess. I deleted anything I recently installed(and a lot of old stuff lol), deleted all of the NVidia components/drivers and did a fresh/clean install and it is working again.
rln11 hashcat 1 11,635 11-26-2016, 09:07 PM
    Thread: OpenCL ICD loader library
Post: OpenCL ICD loader library

I seen the other threads on this issue but will start one of mine own. hashcat (v3.10) starting... ATTENTION! Can't find OpenCL ICD loader library You're probably missing the OpenCL runtime instal...
rln11 hashcat 1 11,635 11-26-2016, 12:57 AM
    Thread: Help with cracking a WPA
Post: RE: Help with cracking a WPA

So all I needed to do was move the charset to the end of the command line. So simple. Took 4 seconds to crack the hash ;-) hashcat64 -w 2 -m 2500 test.hccap -a 3 9999?d?d?d?d?d?d Thank you very much...
rln11 hashcat 2 7,662 09-04-2016, 05:17 PM
    Thread: Help with cracking a WPA
Post: Help with cracking a WPA

I'm trying to construct a command line to crack a WPA2. Facts I know about this WPA2: 1) it is 10 digits, digits only 2) the first 4 digits are 9999 So at first I created: hashcat64 -m 2500 ...
rln11 hashcat 2 7,662 09-04-2016, 03:49 PM
    Thread: Hashcat crashing
Post: RE: Hashcat crashing

I'm an idiot. Just realized I was forgetting to add the --show switch. Please delete this thread so I don't have to be reminded of my stupidity. Thank you!!
rln11 Old hashcat Support 5 19,553 09-30-2013, 07:19 PM
    Thread: Hashcat crashing
Post: RE: Hashcat crashing

I've already run the list using a standard dictionary attack. Now I'm just trying to export the results from my POT file. This is exactly how I did it on the previous versions of hashcat. Something ha...
rln11 Old hashcat Support 5 19,553 09-30-2013, 07:47 AM
    Thread: Hashcat crashing
Post: RE: Hashcat crashing

OK, I took out the --remove switch and tried to run it again. Now it just hangs up in the cmd window with a blinking cursor. Let it run for almost 40 minutes and nothing outputted. No error message, n...
rln11 Old hashcat Support 5 19,553 09-30-2013, 02:25 AM
    Thread: Hashcat just stopping
Post: RE: Hashcat just stopping

atom Wrote: (09-18-2013, 10:10 AM) -- Do you use the the same file for -o as you do for the hashlist? -- No, I was running it without an -o switch.
rln11 Old hashcat Support 4 16,566 09-30-2013, 01:13 AM
    Thread: Hashcat crashing
Post: Hashcat crashing

Trying to output some cracked hashes from my POT file but hashcat just keeps crashing. At first I thought it might have been the size of my file. It contains 520k Joomla hashes. But I cut out a small ...
rln11 Old hashcat Support 5 19,553 09-30-2013, 01:12 AM
    Thread: Hashcat just stopping
Post: Hashcat just stopping

I'm running the latest version of hashcat + in a Win 7 cmd window. I have a small list of MySQL hashes. The first time through I forgot to add the --remove switch. It found a couple of the hashes and ...
rln11 Old hashcat Support 4 16,566 09-17-2013, 06:35 PM
    Thread: New graphics card
Post: New graphics card

Read some of the threads here but can't seem to get a good grasp on what I should be buying in my price range. Looking to get a card in the $150-$225 range that will be good for gaming as well for Has...
rln11 Hardware 3 14,897 08-10-2013, 03:26 AM
    Thread: Noob question
Post: Noob question

I'm sure this is just some oversight on my part, but when I try to use hashcatplus to crack an -m 200 hash, nothing happens. I know it is an older MySQL hash. When I put -m 300 in just to make sure, i...
rln11 Very old oclHashcat-plus Support 2 10,730 08-01-2013, 09:29 PM
    Thread: How fast should my hashcat be running??
Post: RE: How fast should my hashcat be running??

Kuci Wrote: (07-11-2013, 12:35 AM) -- Yeah, that's the option. You could buy 7790 for same money and it means approximately 2x more performance, maybe more. Lots of fools would buy GTX instead of Rad...
rln11 Very old oclHashcat-plus Support 6 24,770 07-11-2013, 12:41 AM
    Thread: How fast should my hashcat be running??
Post: How fast should my hashcat be running??

I'm running a list of VBulletin < 3.8.5 hashes and just wondering what the speed should be around. Tried to find an average in the wiki pages but had no luck. The ones I did see mostly mention hashes ...
rln11 Very old oclHashcat-plus Support 6 24,770 07-10-2013, 10:45 PM
    Thread: Way to run user:hash:salt ?
Post: RE: Way to run user:hash:salt ?

Here's how I do a dic attack with a dos prompt for a username:hash type of list: your excutable.exe -m (hash type) --username (location of source file) (location of dictionaries) Now to direct o...
rln11 Old hashcat Support 3 15,016 04-22-2013, 04:48 PM
    Thread: Formatting question
Post: RE: Formatting question

So it should look like this?? cudaHashcat-plus32.exe -m 0 --username --outfile C:\Proxy\Hashes\hashcat-gui-0.5.1\test2.txt.out --show
rln11 General Help 4 15,139 11-28-2012, 05:23 PM
    Thread: Formatting question
Post: RE: Formatting question

I know this is probably so redundant for many people but I'm still having issues. This is what my original command line looks like: cudaHashcat-plus32.exe --username --outfile C:\Proxy\Hashes\hash...
rln11 General Help 4 15,139 11-26-2012, 07:19 PM
    Thread: Formatting question
Post: Formatting question

Maybe I'm just completely missing something but I don;t understand how to properly make the output something that I can easily work with. For example, if I have a list of 15k username:hashes, is it ev...
rln11 General Help 4 15,139 10-28-2012, 03:46 AM