issue with Mask Attack Starting with special characters
Hi everyone, I am trying to mask attack with known first few letters of a password followed by a mask,but when i'm adding it to the command line windows,it says 

The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.

I am not sure,what character has to be escaped and if it has to be escaped then for which character?

My password is : [3[3@[>s->A and lets assume i'm trying to crack last character A.

my command is : hashcat -a 3 -m 13723 "C:\Users\ABC\Downloads\dd\hashcat-6.2.2\hashh" [3[3@[>s->?a

Please help me out ,i have checked the mask attack faq but it doesnt quite seem to tell this case.
Thanks in advance

Messages In This Thread
issue with Mask Attack Starting with special characters - by anon_a_noob - 07-09-2021, 08:21 AM