Wordlist numeric mangling question
Assuming it's possible, how would one do the following given the wordlist below:

example wordlist:

Given another wordlist or parameter with sequence 0-100, can oclHashcat dynamically generate the following passwords to try against hashes?

password0-100 (ie. password0, password1, password2, ... password100)
apple0-100 (ie. apple0, apple1, apple2, ... apple100)

So in other words, if the word in the wordlist already has a number on the end of it, oclhashcat would substitute that number with the numeric sequence provided and try every sequence. If the word in the wordlist doesn't end in a number, oclhashcat would ignore it. Another sequence example would be years (2000-2016)

password2000-2016 (ie. password2000, password2001, password2002, ... password2016)

Is this possible with oclhashcat?

Messages In This Thread
Wordlist numeric mangling question - by TessierAshpool - 11-19-2015, 06:37 PM