MBP not enough allocatable device-memory
I'm wondering if anyone else has run into this issue when using a Macbook Pro. If I force Device 1 (-D 1), everything seems to work fine. However, anything using device 2 (-D 2 or -D 1,2) eventually runs into a allocatable device-memory error and stops. Judging by the location of the benchmark, the error is occuring when it reaches the scrypt hashtype.

I suspect this is expected given the small amount of memory available to that device. If not though, I wanted to make sure others were aware of it, and I'll post it to the github issues. Even if it's expected, would the desired behavior be to skip that hashtype and move on?

XXX@XXX:~/xxx/hashcat-3.00$ ./hashcat.app -b
hashcat () starting in benchmark-mode...

OpenCL Platform #1: Apple
- Device #1: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5287U CPU @ 2.90GHz, skipped
- Device #2: Intel(R) Iris(TM) Graphics 6100, 384/1536 MB allocatable, 48MCU


Hashtype: phpass, MD5(Wordpress), MD5(phpBB3), MD5(Joomla)

Speed.Dev.#2.:   254.6 kH/s (94.43ms)

- Device #2: Device does not provide enough allocatable device-memory to handle this attack


Edit: I take that back, -D 1 eventually fails as well.

XXX@XXX:~/xxx/hashcat-3.00$ ./hashcat.app -D 1 -b
hashcat () starting in benchmark-mode...

OpenCL Platform #1: Apple
- Device #1: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5287U CPU @ 2.90GHz, 2048/8192 MB allocatable, 4MCU
- Device #2: Intel(R) Iris(TM) Graphics 6100, skipped


Hashtype: SSHA-512(Base64), LDAP {SSHA512}

Speed.Dev.#1.:  7360.3 kH/s (95.66ms)

Hashtype: LM

ERROR: clEnqueueNDRangeKernel() : -54 : CL_INVALID_WORK_GROUP_SIZE


Messages In This Thread
MBP not enough allocatable device-memory - by BeanBagKing - 06-30-2016, 05:51 PM