nvidia-settings errors in Ubuntu 16
@devilsadvocate: as i've being fiddling with this for some time i found your thread that seems quite related. my cards are of the GTX900 and i'm running debian 8 (instead of ubuntu) with nvidias 378 driver (manually downloaded form nvidia.com as debian does not supply nonfree packages) so that might make a difference but still:

i found that the problem why setting GPUFanControlState=1 but GPUGraphicsClockOffset[3]=150 won't work is somehow related with the current performance mode that the driver selects for the card.
here the odd thing on my system is that even when GPUPowerMizerMode=1 is set and nothing runs on the card(s), the driver selects the highest performance level (3 in my case). but as soon as something is run on the cards, the performance level changes to 2 (second highest) and as
nvidia-settings -q GPUPerfModes | grep editable=
shows, some values can only be set in certain performance-levels.

now when i stop whatever hogs my cards, the performance-level goes back to the highest value.
has anybody come across something similar and can point me to what i need to change in order to make this work as intended?

EDIT: in the supplied code in previous posts the call of sed adds the option Interactive below every line reading Driver which is the case for me in several sections (namely each InputDevice and Device); my guess this is only needed for the Device -sections?

thx in advance,

Messages In This Thread
RE: nvidia-settings errors in Ubuntu 16 - by red - 04-03-2017, 06:17 PM