Some suggestions for the GUI

I was wondering if you would consider some feature requests for the GUI please ?

All the following are related to HashcatPlus and WPA testing.

In the “Hash file or hash” box can you make it so a user can drag and drop a .hcap file into the box ?

Would it be possible for the GUI to know that it is a .hcap file and so auto complete the “Hash Type” option further down ?

Can it be made possible for more than one .hcap file to be loaded at once ? I know they cannot be tested at the same time but it would be very useful if the GUI could run them sequentially. This way if a user has 4 .hcap files which take 2 hours each they are able to leave their computer running all night to test the .hcaps.

I understand this can be achieved in other ways but this would make it much more user friendly.

Can the “Rules” box also be drag and drop ?

It would be a cool feature to be able to load multiple rules lists to be run sequentially so a user can load rules that are progressively more complex. This way if the password is not found with a simple rule list the GUI will automatically start again with a new set of rules.

Can the “GPU Device” option default to 1 instead of 0 for HashcatPlus as I don’t believe it works without at least one GPU.

Output… When a user checks the output option could the field auto complete to the name of the .hcap file ? Perhaps with the prefix “Found” ? This of course should be editable by the user but I suspect most people would find that useful. So for example a user loads “MyWifiTest.hcap” and the auto complete output name would be “Found MyWifiTest.txt”

At the bottom of the GUI where you kindly show the user how to type the code required, if it wasn’t for your GUI, could you make it a box with more lines ? This way a user can see the code in full and learn how to use HashcatPlus as they use the GUI.

Thank you very much for making the GUI it does make things quicker ! I hope you find some of my suggestions good enough to implement.

Messages In This Thread
Some suggestions for the GUI - by Hash-IT - 11-08-2011, 02:55 AM
RE: Some suggestions for the GUI - by HRob1n - 11-08-2011, 07:42 AM
RE: Some suggestions for the GUI - by atom - 11-08-2011, 11:25 AM
RE: Some suggestions for the GUI - by Hash-IT - 11-08-2011, 02:00 PM