Try changing your mask to ?1?1?1?1........ versus what you have "?l?l?l.......
You did not select the mask characters in the .hcchr file, you just had lower case characters selected in the mask.
To increment the mask, just put a -i before it. "-i ?1?1?1?1?1?1?1..........." That should work. Does for me.
Also, if you're trying to brute force 10 characters, it might take a while unless you have a substantial gpu rig. I don't, I just
have two gtx 960s and a six core processor. 8 is about my limit for brute forcing otherwise it will take a loooooong time.
You did not select the mask characters in the .hcchr file, you just had lower case characters selected in the mask.
To increment the mask, just put a -i before it. "-i ?1?1?1?1?1?1?1..........." That should work. Does for me.
Also, if you're trying to brute force 10 characters, it might take a while unless you have a substantial gpu rig. I don't, I just
have two gtx 960s and a six core processor. 8 is about my limit for brute forcing otherwise it will take a loooooong time.
(08-19-2017, 12:25 PM)imjustagirl Wrote: Hi,
I read the manual, thank you for such a great tool, however I have a problem. I need to restore a password for an old bitcoin wallet, it was passworded with regional characters. This is what I input to the command:
--attack-mode 3 -m 11300 $bitcoin$(hash) -1 charsets/standard/Russian/ru_KOI8-R.hcchr --custom-charset1 ?l?l?l?l?l?l?l?l
I get an output that "if you specify a charset, you must also specify a mask". Isn't that what ?l?l?l?l?l?l?l?l at the end of my command line does? I'm really new to this. If someone could quickly help me, I would really appreciate. If you could help me also input increment to this. Basicly I want hashcat to bruteforce regional-based characters from 1 character length password to 10 character length password, using both upper and lower case. If it wont take too long, I would also add numbers. Thank you in advance for your help.