CMIYC2017 - Challenge8 vBulletin
I play a bit with the CMIYC2017-Contest. In this Challenge are some vBulletin-Hashes (challenge 8, mode 2711). Six with normal Salt-length (lenght 30 and all cracked) and the Rest with Saltlength of 30+. I tought i shorten the Salt to 30 and shift it, but i have no Result. 
I cheat  a bit and look in the CMIYC2017WriteupHashcat from the hashcat-Team. There i read, that the vBulletin salts were truncated at length 29. I dont understand this. Why is it truncated to 29? Normal length for vBulletin is 30 random chr(33-126). All used Chr in the remaining salt are ok and only longer as necessary. 
How can i identify the correct Salt to build the correct Syntax for hashcat?

Messages In This Thread
CMIYC2017 - Challenge8 vBulletin - by paule965 - 12-06-2017, 08:37 AM
RE: CMIYC2017 - Challenge8 vBulletin - by philsmd - 12-06-2017, 08:48 AM