"If you specify a custom charset, you must also specify a mask."
I just gave that a try and it worked! Can't believe I let something so essential slip my mind. Thank you so much!

If this was a waste of space and focus in the forum, please feel free to delete the thread. I'd recommend keeping it however, as I wouldn't have made this thread asking such a silly question had someone already asked it, so perhaps it could save you guys the annoyance if it does happen to someone else.

For completeness' sake, here's the working version of my command:
hashcat64.exe --status --outfile WPA_out.txt --outfile-format 2 -m 2500 --custom-charset1=D:\hashcat-4.1.0\charsets\charset1.hcchr --increment --increment-min=8 --increment-max=16 wpa.hccapx -a 3 ?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1

Messages In This Thread
RE: "If you specify a custom charset, you must also specify a mask." - by xpelican - 04-12-2018, 04:59 PM