word combinations with masks between
I'm trying to crack an old truecrypt file.
I remember I used two of my "usual" passwords with maybe a character or two between them..
I experimented with a known truecrypt file putting 17 passwords into a dictionary x.txt but splitting one of them in half
I extracted the first block of the truecrypt file to a file called x.
Then I found I could crack it with the command
.\hashcat64.exe -m 6223 -a 1  x  x.txt x.txt
which combined the two halves of the correct password.
Next I removed the last character of the first half of the correct password from the dictionary and tried this
.\hashcat64.exe -m 6223 -a 7 x ?a x.txt x.txt
But it didn't work
I'm guessing the ?a mask is only tried to the left and right of the dictionary combinations?

Is there any way to try it between them?

Also is there any way to iterate through the 12 truecrypt modes?

Messages In This Thread
word combinations with masks between - by rjxray - 11-14-2018, 02:56 PM