so hashes/s is same as passwords/s?
I tried a few things but please look at these screenshots.

one of the screenshot shows the command I used for hascat is:
"hashcat64.exe -m 11600 -a 3 -?l?d hash.txt ?1?1?1?1"

for a total of 4 character password but strangely it doesn't test password length prior to 4 characters.  I know this is convenient to skip short passwords but how can I make the command to do all passwords? as combination in total for 4 characters password should be a total combination of 1,727,604, where as this command only shows 36^4 = 1,679,616.

from my other posts I asked about hash/s vs psw/s I thought they are to be different and that hashcat is much faster but it seems that hash is the same password?  if you look at the two screenshot:

1. hashcat ~5000 h/s
2. crark-7z ~9500 pw/s

and if you look at the combination of total passwords/hash and add them together numbers do add up exception is that hastcat only at 1,679,616 which is strictly testing only 4 characters length password, while both using only lower case + numbers. so how is this crark-7z almost 2x faster and on the top it also says SHA256.  I even tested with a 4 character password on the same .7z archive and both able to find it, except one is much faster which is crark-7z.

I like the idea of hashcat to attack hashes thats generated for different type of encryption but if it's gonna just test password combination what is the point of getting the hash in the first place?

could someone more knowledgeable please help explain, thank you.

Messages In This Thread
so hashes/s is same as passwords/s? - by yugiohle - 01-25-2020, 01:46 PM
RE: so hashes/s is same as passwords/s? - by atom - 01-26-2020, 01:10 PM