Zip to Hashcat
winzip (-m 13600 ) and pkzip (-m 172xx) are very different hash types.

The data limit that hashcat supports for PKZIP hashes is currently about 320 KB, see:

your hash from above (you get banned if you continue cracking hashes in this forum, that's for sure, see the forum rules) works perfectly fine for me, but you of course need to remove the file name from the hash (hashcat doesn't consider a file name part of a hash, JTR does use "hashes"/ lines with file names), see example hashes from :

That means that the hashes must look like the example hashes, without the file names and without the columns before the $pkzip2$ etc... also no filename at the end (i.e. the hash must end with $/pkzip2$)

password of above hash is 1234 , cracked with hashcat (works perfectly fine).

Messages In This Thread
Zip to Hashcat - by Sondero - 06-26-2020, 06:03 PM
RE: Zip to Hashcat - by Mem5 - 06-27-2020, 02:34 PM
RE: Zip to Hashcat - by philsmd - 06-27-2020, 03:24 PM