Ethereum Pre-Sale extract SAFE hash (non-revealing private keys)
Gonna check for the encseed content on some example wallet and will update you. But assuming to take the bytes of the seed - 50 characters it should be safe ? 
Also I took a quick look at this assuming it's the for the padding checks and I didn't really get the entropy stuff (would spend more time on it). 

The only issue is that I don't exactly see how I can implement it in what steps basically ?  Smile

My idea be something like this I guess :
1) Substract the last x char of the encseed 
2) Apply the SHA3 (I'm not sure)
3) Check the padding (Not sure too)

Thanks again for you great response

Messages In This Thread
RE: Ethereum Pre-Sale extract SAFE hash (non-revealing private keys) - by hkbb345 - 06-09-2023, 08:06 PM