(06-20-2023, 07:16 PM)RobbieRich Wrote: How many GPU’s can you run without hashtopolis ? 
Many thanks for ur time ! 

marc1n dateline='[url=tel:1687252501' Wrote: 1687252501[/url]']
You can't run them all at once, you need a hashtopolis server for that

As many GPU as you can get into your system with proper hardware support.
Check this out: Building a Cracking Rig ( or farm ) for Hashcat
And if you want to expand your " kraskhing " ( cracking and hashing,  -r sck, skh, i3s Tongue ) to more than 1 computer, besides hashtopolis, you can try hashcat brain feature. 
More info here : Hashcat Brain

Messages In This Thread
OMG - by RobbieRich - 06-20-2023, 10:35 AM
RE: OMG - by marc1n - 06-20-2023, 11:15 AM
RE: OMG - by RobbieRich - 06-20-2023, 03:19 PM
RE: OMG - by RobbieRich - 06-20-2023, 07:16 PM
RE: OMG - by Gyfer - 06-21-2023, 05:30 PM
RE: OMG - by RobbieRich - 06-23-2023, 10:36 AM
RE: OMG - by Gyfer - 06-25-2023, 02:06 AM